If there’s one person who needs no introduction to our readers, it’s the unmistakable Yaya Mavundla.
If there’s one person who needs no introduction to our readers, it’s the unmistakable Yaya Mavundla.
For many South Africans it’s the beginning of a new season – a season where flowers bloom, romance is in the air and wedding plans begin to gain more momentum.
Lady Zamar’s third studio album, Rainbow released to audiences across Africa in April 2024 – marking the beginning of a new chapter for the famed singer.
Scent and style go hand in hand. While it’s often said that you can boast a sense of style on a budget, for some reason the rule isn’t easily applied when we’re talking about scent. When people think “low budget fragrances” instant nightmares of headache-inducing smells from years gone by come to mind.
As we look towards the next wave of exciting actors to keep our eyes on for the coming years, one name that has been on the radar for some time now is that of Chioma Umeala. The Nigerian-South African actress has truly glittered her CV with some mouthwatering roles and established herself as one of our continent’s most exciting on-screen stars with roles in blockbusters like 2022’s The Woman King.
As South Africa embraces the vibrancy of Women’s Month, there’s no better time to celebrate the remarkable talent, tenacity, and multifaceted brilliance of Nandi Madida. With a CV that boasts hosting multiple Global Citizen concerts across the globe, releasing chart-topping music, a Beyonce-collaboration, and partnerships with the biggest luxury brands on the planet – there can be no debate that Nandi Madida is one of the most gifted talents of our generation. And she is only getting started!